Italian 'Bello Colleto' 1.2mm Nappa Leather Collection for Dog Collars

# MT023678
USD 5.81
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Our 'Bello Colletto' Nappa Polster Leather is specially selected for the lining of dog collars and can also be used for small craft leather products like bags or wallets. Available in 3 sizes and 25 colors. Do you need a quarter, half or whole hide? Contact our team for pricing at 


Package size

Strip 50 cm x 10 cm
Strip 80 cm x 10 cm
A3 (29,7 cm x 42cm)
A2 (42 cm x 59,4 cm)


AnthraciteBeigeBerryBlackCamelDark BrownDark CyanDark GreenFuchsiaGlacier BlueGreenLavenderLight BrownLimeOld PinkPigeon BluePumpkin OrangeRedSapphire BlueScarletSpring GreenTurquoiseVintage GreenVino RedWhiteYellow
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